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Cylindrical coordinate measuring machine
Cylindrical coordinate measuring machines, or CCMMs, are specialized variations of standard coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) that incorporate a moving stage to rotate the part relative to the probe. The probe moves perpendicular to the part axis and collects radial data at regular angular interv
May 26, 2023
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Modern Measuring Machine Developments
The following content is excerpted and paraphrased from Wikipedia under Creative Commons copyright. In modern machines, the gantry-type superstructure has two legs, often called bridges. It moves freely along the granite countertop with one leg (often called the inside leg) along a rail attached to
April 07, 2023
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The development of the very first CMM Coordinate Measuring Machine
Research shows that the development of modern 3-axis machines began in the early 1960s and is a direct descendant of the modern 2-axis metrology machines invented in the 50s in various military defense industries.The first 2-axis universal measuring machine is believed to have been developed by the
April 06, 2023
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Gauge and cmm's comparison
Gauge is a tool special produced to control all kinds of mechanical size by industrial production enterprise, which suitable for mass produced products such as auto parts, to replace professional measurement tools such as calipers, plug gauge, position gauge, etc. Can make the following measures: the key features detection, characteristic line detection, functional hole detection
May 11, 2022
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